About Us

But Why aims to provide a deep-dive into educational questions derived from simple "But why?" inquiries posed by prehospital clinicians while providing quality sound design.

Meet the team

  • Phil Moy


    Phil is an Emergency Physician and EMS Physician at Mercy Hospital in Saint Louis. He is the Medical Director for Missouri and Carbondale base for ARCH Air Methods Helicopter EMS and head editor for the Prehospital Emergency Care Podcast, But Why EMS podcast, and the Air Methods Prehospital EDucation podcast. Phil enjoys creating podcasts and educating paramedics to improve the quality of prehospital care.

  • Gina Pellerito


    Hi, I’m Gina. I’m working on my bio…thanks.

  • John Reagan


    John has been in EMS since 2011. He started in Kentucky and moved to St. Louis in 2012. He has worked at several agencies and hospitals around the area and is currently the EMS outreach coordinator for Barnes Jewish Hospital. John has a passion for prehospital medicine, specifically with teaching and improving the human factors that influence decisions. He is currently working towards becoming a physician assistant and hopes to use this to expand the career path for EMTs and paramedics.

  • Paul Schuler Jr.


    Paul is a paramedic/field training officer for University of Missouri Health Care EMS, EMS instructor for MU Extension, and Research Specialist for the University of Missouri School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine. In addition to his clinical work, Paul serves as the podcast’s web developer. Contact him via LinkedIn here.